WE all have a story to tell … so WE tell those stories of women, written in their own words, of their passion and love affairs with handmade, food, and business.
In Where Women CREATE you come to understand why the process of creating is often as important as what is ultimately created, all while touring the inspiring workspaces of extraordinary women.
In WHAT Women Create you learn what inspires these women and what is eventually created by their hands. These are the stories that teach all of us that we, too, can create that which comes from our very soul, that which is seen through our eyes, and that which is made by our own hands.
TOGETHER, whether we create with our hands or offer a helping hand, each of us can make a difference for all of us … WHAT IS IMPORTANT is that we work together, help each other, support each other, promote each other, reach out to each other … so that we can each/all be a true success story … however you define it.